
My First Full Length Project!

My First Full Length Project!

I've been waiting quite some time for this moment.

Not only does this mark a longly anticipated release for the Leisure Chief, but it is also a very notable milestone for my music career. It may be hard to believe between all the groups I've worked with and recorded for, however, this CD marks the first full length album release for me. 

Awesome Bands I Don't Play With - Part IV: The Groove Orient

I get this question a lot, "So how many bands do you play with?"

Well, you can get that answer here.

While some may consider that list pretty extensive, there are certainly tons of great bands and artists out there I am not officially a part of (although in this case have sat in with).  With that in mind, I've decided to make a series of blog posts highlighting some of my favorite groups and individuals around Florida I do not play with.

The 4th installment of this series features my good friends and Orlando Rock n' Roll freight train, The Groove Orient

I've known these guys ever since they opened for Buster Keaton at my "Going Away Party" (that sure lasted long didn't it?) at Red Lion Pub back in August, and boy did they pack a punch!  This group consists of 6 members whom are all Rollins students/graduates:  lead vocalist/bassist Harry Ong, guitarist Chuck Magid, keyboardist Tommy Shugart, guitarist David Incorvaia, percussionist/bassist and screamer David Vanegas, and drummer Paul Terry. 

Harry not holds down the main vocals and bass duties for TGO but can also been seen performing with Tampa blues group Josh Lamkin and Automatic Heat.  Chuck Magid hosts a weekly show on WPRK called "Green Eggs and Jam" every Tuesday from 10am-noon, as well as being a manager for bass music DJ/Producer Oldboy.  Tommy Shugart is a musical madman whose main instrument is actually guitar (as well as being a cellist), and he can play it all.  He can be seen performing with Orlando favorites and southeast blues powerhouse, RJ Harmon and Company, as well as folk songstress Laney Jones.  David Incorvaia and David Vanegas were each members of the jazz quintet Sam Byck and the Tricky Dickies, as well as staples for the weekly Natura Jazz Jam and are each active in the Orlando jazz community outside of TGO.  Paul Terry can also been seen with Laney Jones, as well as a frequent fill-in for several central Florida groups like the ones aforementioned, and a future side project in the works featuring yours truly and other killer musicians (stay tuned for that). 

Recently, mentioned in Relix Magazine's March Issue "On the Rise", these guys are only moving up!  You can check out their song "Bananas" that was featured in said article on their brand new Off the Avenue video below:

Make sure to be at their debut CD Release Show at the Haven on April 10th with two of Orlando's best in Shak Nasti and RJ Harman & Company where all attendees receive a CD!  Get a little taste from their SoundCloud below.  You will certainly not be disappointed friends.